A Community Following Jesus, Seeking Renewal in the Land
News & Upcoming Events
ENCOUNTER NIGHT | Friday, March 28th from 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Join Reality Honolulu and YWAM Honolulu for a night full of worship and prayer as we seek to encounter the Lord!
This night will be a time where we seek to encounter the presence and power of God.
We hope to have you join us at 6pm at the YWAM Base (2707 Hipawai Place - Manoa)
More info? email aloha@realityhnl.com
YOUTH SCAVENGER HUNT | Saturday, March 29th from 10am - 1pm.
We would love to have our middle & high school age students join us on Saturday, March 22nd from 10am - 1pm for an epic scavenger hunt & lunch at Ala Moana! Event is free for admission other than money for lunch in the food court. We think it will be a great time and we'd love to have your kids (middle & high school age) and any of their friends come! It's open to all!
For more info, email aloha@realityhnl.com
We would love to have you join us Sunday, March 30th for a family Sunday!
In light of it being the 5th Sunday of the month, we will join together our Keiki, Youth & their parents for a family worship service.
There will be no kids church or Youth Group this Sunday, but all are invited to worship our Lord as one Church ‘Ohana!
One of the ways as a church that we feel called to love our neighbor, is to practically meet the felt needs of those in our downtown community. We do this monthly at our Community Outreach.
Each month we gather clothing, hygiene supplies and food and on the first Saturday of each month, we give it out to all in need.
We'd love to have you join us for our next one on Saturday, April 5th to help serve in this way!
We are so grateful for our all our Keiki we have here at Reality! Our desire as a a church is to offer a fun and loving learning environment for them to grow in relationship with Jesus, and with one another. That said, we are in need of more adult volunteers to care specifically for our growing Babies & Toddlers classroom.
We would love if you would prayerfully consider serving in this way 1 - 2 times per month. For more info, please email aloha@realityhnl.com or scan QR code to learn more.
“Prayer meetings are the lungs of the Church.” -Charles Spurgeon.
We want to mahalo all of you that come to pray for our church, on Sunday’s prior to service! As Spurgeon famously quoted, we see prayer as the life and the breath of the church. We believe it to be the means by which we see the hand of God move in and through our church.
We want to invite each of you, to join us on Sundays at 9:30am in the courtyard to pray and seek God’s will for our church and community! Hope to see you there 🙏
We are seeking your help to boost our social media presence and help more people within our community find our church! Specifically, we need photos and videos of our church community. When you attend any church events or your ʻOhana group, take some pictures and videos and send them to us. The more we can capture of our vibrant community, the more we can share with others who are yet to find us.
Now you might be thinking… “I don’t have a fancy camera and I am not good at taking pictures.”
Good news—social media users today prefer organic, authentic content more than polished, professional content. People want to believe that what they see online is real and not staged, so if you have an iPhone or an Android, just use your phone cameras and it will be good enough. And lastly, if anyone here has a real passion for creating reels for Instagram and Facebook, we would also love your help stitching videos together.
Email your photos and videos to aloha@realityhnl.com or talk to Christine Lau or Rebecca Rodriguez
Attention golfers! Join us for a fun time of community & fellowship as we spend the year golfing together. Every 2 months, we will be getting together and golfing different courses around the island over the course of the year.
Please email aloha@realityhnl.com to find out more!